
Largest incubation platform in Paris, specializes in supporting innovation and the growth of startups

Startup incubation

Building a website factory & digital experience strategy for the largest incubation platform in Paris

Websites factory
Brand strategy
ERP strategy
Lead Product Management
Largest incubation platform in Paris, specializes in supporting innovation and the growth of startups


Digital Ecosystem Overhaul

I spearheaded the completion of the new website factory with an external development team, prepared for the migration of old websites, and organized a systematic backlog for future updates. The challenge of tidying up a decade's chaotic digital footprint involved halving the domain registrations from 280 to 115, consolidating DNS management, and decommissioning over 20 outdated or compromised servers, resulting in significant cost savings.

Operational Efficiency

I facilitated improved workflows and communication within the organization by leveraging the existing Office 365 suite to create a tailored SharePoint intranet, introducing a time tracking solution (Tmetrics), implementing Hubspot CRM for the international team, and adopting Metricool for social media management.

Inbound Marketing Expertise

An additional task involved training the communication team (15 members) in inbound marketing strategies, equipping them with tools for graphic creation without the need for design skills, and enhancing their efficiency in social media content deployment.

This multifaceted mission not only streamlined Paris&Co's digital and operational processes but also empowered the team with the skills and tools for effective marketing and communication strategies.


Louis is both available, attentive, and efficient. Working with him is a real pleasure!

Marion Apaire
Marion Apaire
Urban Lab Director
See review on Malt

The Faces Behind the Magic

Brand Design & UI Design: Jeanne Giraud

See also